I-CON OIL Produkte Wir sind ein Unternehmen, das für Qualität, Leistung, Flexibilität und Innovation steht. Für Motorenöle I-CON OIL About Us Wir sind ein Unternehmen, das für Qualität, Leistung, Flexibilität und Innovation steht. Für Motorenöle I-CON OIL Services Wir sind ein Unternehmen, das für Qualität, Leistung, Flexibilität und Innovation steht. Für Motorenöle


Über uns

Icon-oil produziert Schmierstoffe und Additive höchster Qualität für eine Vielzahl von Branchen und Anwendungen wie Automobil, Motorrad, Landwirtschaft, LKW, Marine, Bau und Industrie.
Dank unserer Teams und Mitarbeiter ist Icon-oil den ständigen Herausforderungen des Sektors, der sich ständig weiterentwickelt, gewachsen.
Die Produkte von Icon-oil erfüllen alle die Anforderungen und Spezifikationen der Automobil- und Industriehersteller.
Unsere Stärke ist es, immer ein offenes Ohr für unsere Kunden und ihre Anregungen zu haben.


Unser Ziel

Wir glauben daran, dass wir unseren Kunden die besten Qualitätsprodukte zu den besten Preisen anbieten können.

Die Produkte von I-conoil entsprechen den Anforderungen und Spezifikationen von Automobilherstellern und Industrieunternehmen.

Unsere Stärke ist es, unseren Kunden und ihren Vorschlägen stets nahe zu sein und auf sie zu achten.


Unsere Dienstleistungen

Wir glauben daran, dass wir unseren Kunden die besten Qualitätsprodukte zu den besten Preisen anbieten können.

Qualität des Produkts

I-conoil garantiert Ihnen einen Hochleistungsschmierstoff, der einen guten Motorschutz, einen leichteren Start, eine hohe Motorleistung und einen optimalen Schutz der Ausrüstung gewährleistet.

Qualifiziertes Personal

Das Unternehmen ist stolz darauf, ein professionelles Team und qualifizierte Mitarbeiter zu haben, die uns in unserem Geschäftsfeld unübertroffen machen.

Unser Engagement

Modernste Technologie, Zuverlässigkeit, Innovation im Dauerbetrieb, optimale Energie, Umweltfreundlichkeit.

Hochwertige Produkte

Unsere Produkte

Das Unternehmen bietet alles, was mit dem Handel und der Herstellung von Ölen und Schmierstoffen zusammenhängt, zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen, die für jeden geeignet sind.

High Quality Products

Our Products

The company provides everything related to the trade and manufacture of oils and lubricants at competitive prices suitable for everyone

This is done through a calibrated scale devices in exchange and through any post in the private audit program program of the American Association for the selection of materials.

Figure 1 device name Armen system Aimlr for measuring the relative intensity of the parts of the spectrum

2: voltage measurement system2

3: Oren corrosion properties

4: Kohler projection point tester

5: Kohler color choice by the American Society system for the selection of materials

6: SITA In Bond measuring device Armour piercing

7: Petro Taste (Kohlin) choose over the stability of volatility

8: measuring the density by hydrometer

9: measuring kinematic viscosity at 100 ° C

10: measuring kinematic viscosity at 40 ° C

11: test the stability of oxidative stress device

choosing a flash point (or CNN))12:

13: Copper corrosion test for lipids, Fisher

14: water by distillation , Electro Mantels

15: Penetration Testing for 4/1 and 2/1 cone

16: No. Altsabn by measuring the voltage

17: separation of oil pressure, Stanhope SITA

18: oil separation when storage – Patronst

1- color ASTM International de 1500

2: Density at 15 ° C ASTM International de 4052

3: viscosity CS T at 100 ° C ASTM International de 445

4: viscosity CS T at 40 ° C ASTM International de 445

5: rate of viscosity ASTM International de 2270

6: Flash point (or CNN) ° C ASTM International de 92

7: acid number of the American Society for Testing Materials de 974

8: The number of raw elements cationic insurance ASTM International de 28 96

9: The percentage of the components of the water ASTM International de 322

10: Percentage of alleviating fuel ASTM International de 322

11: Audit Infrared Mobile System

12: paraffin hydrocarbon insoluble ASTM International de 893

13: Carbon deposits American Society for Testing Materials de 524

14: casting point of the American Society for Testing Materials de 97

15: the tendency to form foam ASTM International de 892

16: sulfuric ash American Society for Testing Materials de 874

17: corrosion of metals (ie CB) BPM ASTM International de 5185

18: Elements of chemical additives (ECB) and the American Society for Testing Materials de 4951

19: emulsifying ASTM International de 1401

20: cone penetration of the American Society for Testing Materials de 217

21: cone penetration ¼ size ASTM International de 140 3

22: Copper Corrosion ASTM International de 4048

23: Classification test rust ASTM International de 1743

24: prevent corrosion (salt sea water) and the American Society for Testing Materials de 596 9

25: projection point ASTM International de 566

26: projection points to a wider field of the American Society for Testing Materials de 2265

27: Audit when measuring the relative intensity test photovoltaic spectrum BX

28: Oil ASTM International de 1742 separation

29: stability of oxidation (100 hours) ASTM International de 942

30: Freestanding acid / alkaline loosely ASTM International IBM 37

31: volatility over the stability of the American Society for Testing Materials de 1831

32: No. Classification of the American Society for Testing Materials de 94

33: Total acid / alkaline Orion Tirator Total 940

In addition to the selection of ASTM International methods are the choice of materials through the procedures and measures British Petroleum Society of Automotive Engineers and other industry lubricants Institute.

Oils that are being tested in laboratories:

Essential oils

Chemical additives

Finished products, which include gasoline engine oils, diesel engine oils, gear oils, oil and transmission equipment, industrial oils, special uses and lubricants

Used oil.

The company offers its customers the following free services:

Monitor the status of oils used in equipment and machinery continuously.

Assisting clients in decision-making to determine the maximum period for an oil change.

Help and power supply units for its customers to change the oil, based on the status of the oil and not depending on the time period.

Provide technical advice to clients oils Ikon engines on used oil position, which includes diagnosis and analysis and recommend necessary decision.

provides low oil consumption thanks to its control What has product oil pressure
It minimizes maintenance expenses due to the lengthy of period
prevents its use in products from the mud and corrosion formation on the engine
resistance to oxidation and foam formation
MIL-L-2104B / C



CCMC -D2,6

Icon distinctive engine oil properties

° C flow point 24.

Ignition point C ° 221

All baseband number (TBN) mg potassium hydroxide (mgkoh / gr 10)

Density c, g / Cm3 0,893 ° 15

Viscosity C, Cst 19,2 ° 100

Change viscosity 123 resistance

SAE 10W-40

Engine oil specially formulated mineral based has been developed using ultra additions meet the requirements of all the companies manufacturing the engines and the users of the engines have also been strengthened industrial oils

provides high-performance advantages due to its enhanced technology products
reduces fuel consumption thanks indicated formulation for improved
provides a tool that is the best of its kind powered vehicles with engines rely on a system that works genitive fuel bullets or anhydride thereof
reduces SAE 10W-40 oil friction
It should not use any other additions next to used oil
flow ° C 30. Point
ignition point C ° 215-
The total number baseband (TBN) mg potassium hydroxide (mgKOH / gr 7,8)
density C, g / cm3 0,874 `° 15
viscosity c, cst 15,2 ° 100
resist change viscosity 155
SAE 5W-30

Engine oil can work to meet all requirements of engines today

provides lower fuel consumption performance and superior thanks to its enhanced additive technology
prolongs the life of the engines thanks to its pump ability and ultimate flow ability
It provides a maximum power in the engine thanks to the oil film resistance
not recommended using any other additives

MIL-L-2104B / C




This includes coordination with major additions and chemical testing laboratories and research their own and participate in internal and external auditing software companies.

About the use of Icon engine oils and the most important details

1- resistant to friction between surfaces Groped and protection from corrosion

2- with sufficient liquidity for osteoporosis within the narrow and small places

3- has the ability to maintain the degree of the wife perfectly good

4- resistant large at high temperature

5- Anti-rusty

You can measure the viscosity of oils Ikon by Engler scale on as a viscous oil for the passage of the amount of oil of 200 square centimeters have European companies have agreed to standards for oil viscosity of the 10 203 040 506 070 and preceded by figures SAE Code lower the number the lack of his wife The greater the degree of increased viscosity

Play engine oils Ikon important role in the continued life of the engine and prolong the period of his service which is similar to the role played by the blood in living organisms.

There is no means to achieve the engine does not affect the service period such as engine oil Icon.

Engines oils Icon good oils enjoying consistently high antioxidant considered during combustion inside the engine and keep the oil level as required and right while operating in difficult conditions, as well as the advantages of oils ICON engines pumping fast at low temperatures to ensure the lubrication of engine parts in full at the beginning of the operation and thus protect it from wear and corrosion and at the same time working oils Icon movements on engine cooling.

The presence of oils of different types and multiple brands make it a professional driver mistaken in choosing the right motor engine oils appointed, in addition to the advertised oils or referred to specifications on the oil tray may not reflect the actual specifications of these oils.

So how to choose a brand of engine oil?

What do we rely upon our choice Icon engine oils?

Some may also Wonders for the period necessary to change the oil from the engine. When and how is it done?

Why prevail some oils After walking for some hundreds of kilometers away?

And why some of them remain pure and clear, even after long distances?

Choose Icon engine oils in terms of viscosity according to the American Society of Automotive Engineers

SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS (SAE), and oils Icon of the categories in terms of quality (performance) by the American Petroleum Institute API (AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE). Or by the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ASSOCIATION DES CONSTRUCTERS EUROPEANS d’AUTOMOBILES) ACEA)

1- motor oils and Selection by category in terms of viscosity: SAE.

Founded this category in 1911 and is considered a global standard it regulates the viscosity of the oils and has nothing to do in terms of the quality of oils and use of certain engines – different engines – This category contains six categories winter and five summer classes of motor oils Winter viscosity categories

(0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W, 25W) SAE

Oils categories Icon summer viscosity is

30 , 40 , 50 , 60, 70) (SAE

To illustrate we take this example SAE 10W-40 is usually written on the oil tray,

What do you mean these icons on the Icon engine oils tray

SAE – 40 degrees summer viscosity number (40) means the use of oil in the summer

Whenever it was a great figure wherever oil and a large degree will maintain to his wife when overheating at high temperatures outside air as well as the engine is affected by high temperatures and functions of the use of oils Icon engines because they at high temperatures maintains a large degree on the viscosity in order to maintain the engine.

The Jod- and viscosity grade SAE 10W in winter gives us information on the use of oil for the winter W- means «WINTER» «Winter» the more the small number whenever oil and largely will maintain liquidity in the cold weather at the beginning of the engine

The Icon engine oils (which can be used in summer and winter) symbolizes her:

SAE 10W – 40 where the gathering degree winter and summer viscosity together and this means that you can use this oil in the summer for temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius, or 45 degrees Celsius in the presence symbol 40 can also use the same oil in the winter to temperatures as low as from minus 10 to minus 15 degrees Celsius in the presence symbol w 10

Meaning that the right choice for this category depend on it the most important of several facilities that we can run the car engine in cold regions where the temperature may reach in the winter to minus 7-10 ° C

Through the right choice of the number provided by the character (W), as well as the case for the summer will be the right choice for the number after the dash (-) in the example figure is 40. This means that we can start the engine in the tropics, which reaches a temperature during the summer to a positive 40 -45 ° C

Here we must note that when you use oils Aecono engines it is not necessary to protect it (heat) engine in cold weather or a hot climate at the beginning of the engine if the oil viscosity by choosing right choice

Therefore, oils Icon to maintain liquidity at low temperatures and more able to maintain the viscosity so that it is sufficient to form oily layer at high temperatures, the more oil drag and joining faster lubrication system at low temperatures and is working on the steam cooling friction at high temperatures, so guarantee the protection of the engine of vulnerability and thus protected from corrosion and wear and tear when the right choice for the category by category viscosity SAE,

So it is advisable to use oils Icon in terms of viscosity, which contains the winter and summer marks together because they contain conditioned additions to the wife and this means that the oil able to maintain operational capacity in the different temperature zones of the engine

2 – Icon engine oils and choice in terms of quality by Categories ACEA, API.

The quality of Icon oils determine the level of generally accepted international standards and more these standards or widespread classifications are:

( Classification engine oil system according to the American Petroleum Institute (API.

Classification engine oil system according to the European Automobile Manufacturers Association ACEA.

First: Sorted by the American Petroleum Institute (AMERICN PETROLEUM INSTITUE) API

This category was established in 1947 and consists of three categories it means the quality or the quality of motor oil.

A – (S) API «S« – SERVICE means the service is dedicated to engines that run on gasoline.

B – (C) API «C« – COMMERCIAL – it means business and is dedicated to the diesel-powered engines.

C – (EC) API (ENERGY CONSERVING) energy conservation oils.

Categories (S) API for engines that run on gasoline:

– The old groups (SA, SB, SC, SD, SE, SF SG, SH) API

Categories currently in force SJ, SL, SM) API These codes usually present on the oil tray, the more the alphabetical character forward, the more the oil is more quality and good operating characteristics, for example, oils categories SL better than oils categories API SH SJ and categories of oils, SM better than oils categories accepted by any API SL.SJ Thus,

But some may wonder what these symbols mean?

Why put the oil on the tray?

The significance?

Answer this question as follows::

SM Icon engine oils of modern API influential on and in effect was adopted on 30/11/2004 m which oils categories are designed to provide better resistance to oxidation better protection of deposits and wear and tear, and better performance at low temperatures during the oil service period . valid for use in car engines gasoline-powered manufactured from 2004 till now..

SL API modern and valid Icon engine oils have been adopted in a 1-7 -2001 m, which is valid for all gasoline-powered engines manufactured from 2001 m to 2004 m and is made to ensure the best properties at high temperatures.

API SJ category oils Icon engines in effect adopted in 6-11-1995m, and licenses them for use in 15-10-1996m, oils this category customized for each model of gasoline engines (1996-2001 AD). This category replaced instead of the old categories that before used in the most ancient motor oils categories which enjoy a high-quality operating properties.

In many countries still oils categories that have been excluded (old) still works out and allowed to use because the cars that run these oils still exist example oils categories of the brand SG API has been adopting these categories of oil in 1988 is dedicated to the gasoline engines from model 1993 until 1995, it replaces the most forward oils categories has been solved, such as SE, SF

Icon engine oils recommend their use in modern cars that made the year 1996 engines and after this year, and are advised to use the most modern of the aforementioned categories, such as oils (.SM. SL. SJ) API

Oils categories of diesel engines in accordance with API’s (categories C)

Old categories:


Categories currently in place:

API (CF, CF-2, CF-4, CG-4, CH-4, CI-4, CI-4 plus, CJ-4)

As is the case for special categories of motor oils, gasoline, whenever alphabetical letter of the English characters forward, whenever a newly oil and for the most modern engines to meet modern requirements for these engines in the sense oils categories CJ-4 API newest categories of oils

CH-4, CI-4, CI-4 plus and we would eat in detail:

CJ -4 oils category Icon modern engines in force was adopted in October 2006 and is dedicated to the high engine load diesel, meet the requirements of the engines manufactured in 2007 in terms of throwing NOx standards (NOx) and solid residues.

Categories of these oils (CJ-4) introduced conditions in several indications: ash must be less than 1.0%, 0.4% sulfur phosphorus 0.12%

In terms of the standard requirements of this category superior to oils categories of older ones (CI-4, plus CI. As it holds great changes that meet the requirements engines that meet the requirements of modern environmental standards for the year 2007 and the most recent and types of requirements.

Oils manufactured to meet modern specifications required by manufacturers of original equipment like Katrpleyr ICF (caterpillar ECF-1) and Mack (Mack EO-N premium plus 03 and Kamunz (Cummins 20078) that require limited values No. alkali boundary minimum (TBN). Oils this category of high pass tests where the soot, as well as pass tests viscosity and testing of sediment on the piston and is characterized by high purity .. steadily cut compared with the category of oil CI-4

CI-4 – Icon engine oils category in force was adopted in 2002 and are valid for diesel engines with high courses which was built in 2002 and meets the requirements in terms of emission of exhaust gases toxic to the year 2004 and this category made for diesel engines with a redux of the waste gases exhaust gas recirculation)) EGR which use diesel fuel containing 0.5% sulfur and is replaced instead of Categories CD, CE, CF, CG-4.

Category CH-4 oils category Icon engines have been adopted in 12/1/1998 m, a dedicated diesel engines to high-speed quad session and meet the requirements for 1998 in terms of emission of exhaust gases and toxic, as well as meet the requirements of European engines that use diesel fuel containing 0.5% of sulfur, and differ from category API CG – 4 that allows it to use in engines that use fuel blends of sulfur higher than 0.5%, and this feature is important for countries deployed where diesel fuel high percentage of sulfur (such as South America / Asia and Africa) in this category meet requirements in terms of reducing the wear and tear of valves and reduce the formation of soot (soot) . Replaced instead of CD, CE, CF-4, CG-4.

Category CG-4 oils category Icon engines were adopted in 1995 and is dedicated diesel engines to high-speed high-load quad session that use diesel fuel that contains sulfur less than 0.5% of this category are effective in extinguishing soot be in the pistons resulting from high temperatures

Heat and reduce the wear and tear and be foams, as well as reduce the oxidation reactions and other

Meet American standards requirements in terms of emission of toxic gases, replaced instead of CD, CE, CF-4.

It has been approved to be used with the class API SG and the possible use of gasoline engines for cars and light with a small load API CF-4 / SG and meet the requirements in terms of reducing toxic exhaust gases.

Category CF-2 oils category Icon engines were adopted in 1994, is dedicated to diesel engines bilateral session high load, it operates effectively quell wearability cylinders and put out the charcoal placed on the piston rings. Replaced instead of a Category CD-II in the most forward engines.

API (EC) oils, which keeps the energy is a new set of Icon engine oils of high quality and is made up of low viscosity oils and easy flow and work to reduce fuel costs, according to tests for gasoline engines from 1.5% to 2.7%. Such as Category API Sj / EC.

Icon engine oils (for petrol and diesel engines) and symbolized Bermzan doubling the first symbol is the basis and the second code is thus expressed the possibility of using this oil to the engine of another kind.

For example: API CG-4 / SH considered mainly dedicated oil categories for use for diesel engines but may be used for gasoline engines, which imposed Category oils API SH and earlier SG, SF, SE and so on.

So if your car engine works Balenzan should choose oils categories where there is a character (S))

As classified by the American Petroleum Institute, and if the car diesel engine oils must choose the categories where there is a character (C) and by year of manufacture of the engine as indicated above.

To find out the real API sign of the oil that complies with the requirements in terms of quality of the categories applicable oils and worked her basic tests by API and SAE left on her card circular sign painted with the service code service symbol API Viahr to viscosity grade for SAE and categories of quality b API In a circular marker possible that It symbolizes the degree of conservation of energy (reducing the exchange Fuel – economical fuel) energy Conserving

So when choosing Ikon engine oils is important to take into account the right choice for the category of gasoline viscosity By Type SAE in this case will ensure that the oil engine running well, especially in cold climates, and ensures the engine lubrication consistently at higher temperatures and when heavy loads,

The correct choice of the categories of quality by API will ensure oil change periodically and right, because high Ikon oils quality and provision for engine-designate will maintain its properties in lubrication for longer in the engine and thus guarantee oil change intervals longer than is permitted by the automotive engine manufacturers while retaining the ability of oil on oiling, so be safe engine of the negative consequences that may arise during operation of the engine or after his term of service will become more and often pass the shelf life. As for the questions that may come in the minds of some for the period necessary to change the oil from the engine. When and how is it done? Why prevail some oils After walking for some hundreds of kilometers away? And why some of them remain even after long distance?

To answer these questions are summarized as follows:

The importance of oil changes from time to time to remove dirt from the oil that has accumulated during the operation and that over time, gradually working to reduce the level of properties of the oil. During the process of use of the basic oil compounds are changing and exhausted additions that have been added to the oil, due to the heating and reactions of combustion within the engine.

As much repeated the need to change the oil, but it is the cheapest way to prolong engine life and prolong his tenure.

The Ikon engine oils modern, high quality products with all the necessary specifications, but it does not consider fixed in absolute Warmer high heat and water formed by the combustion of compounds of sulfur and burning sharp hard parts (osteoclasts) contribute greatly to the weakening of the oil’s ability to achieve its functions as required, Valohmad and water and soot formed in the oil can not be removed from it, but to change it..

Therefore engine oil should be changed from time to time commensurate with the instructions from where the car is turned on so as not to exceed the term imposed by the car manufacturers to cut the distances in kilometers.

Old was advised to change the oil every 3,000 km -4000 kilometers Today, and because of its Ikon engine oils from highly effective, all-consuming oils in small quantities, and when he enjoyed oils Ikon of high quality specifications and after the introduction of modern technology in the purification and add various additives for improving the properties operating recommend changing oil every 10,000 km

Here we mention that Ikon engine oils suitable for operating temperatures For example, in Brand: 5w-30 there are two numbers, this means that a comprehensive oil (General) and fit for use in summer and winter..

Wholesale entry “5” illustrates the degree to oil viscosity at low temperatures while the character (W) from the floor Winter and Winter mean in the sense that this oil can be used in the winter.

The number “30” – (viscosity at high temperatures) and demonstrates the possibility of using the oil in the summer..

After decoding engine parts and perform measurement leverages valves and cam shaft and piston rings and other machines using the resolution up to 0.0001 – 0.00001 inches.

So carmakers after these experiments adjusted their oil change intervals of engine became oil change every 12.068 thousand km away and so during operation under normal conditions and all 9454 thousand kilometers during operation in difficult conditions concept wrong with the other in terms of darker and there (oil blackening) after cutting a few spaces are advised to change the oil on an urgent basis, as the oil lost its effectiveness or the belief that he would work on getting dirty engine, this

Wrong to believe what is happening is exactly the opposite Vziot high quality Ikon engines contain large amounts of detergent additives – separated dirt and that very quickly in some cases for some hundreds of kilometers,

These additions are working to pick up dirt and sediment and combustion products, and to prevent their formation on pistons Vthafez this dirt and sediments are suspended in the oil, Oil Change During this dirt still with oil

Thus, it is working to clean the engine of these sediments, and this explains the blackening oils.

In order to easily change and are pleased preferably being a hot engine and then glides easily come out with oil and dirt regularly be removed from the engine better than if the change was carried out and the engine cold.

The remnants of harmful waste and waste from the user’s health lubricating oils directly to the content of used oil from metal parts and dirty accumulated during use where these materials appear when you change the residue.

Solid contained oil (oil refinery-candidate), which must be emptied of oil residues whenever oil is necessary and must be taken to dispose of so perfectly placed in designated places and should not be thrown in the surrounding medium

Or dumped in the sewage does not in any way because one liter of these wastes are bound to corrupt and contaminate millions of liters of drinking allocated or earmarked for agricultural needs of groundwater.

Formulation of crankcase lubrication Iles motor oils of mineral oils has changed cashed in a single class / 1930 / to multiple grade oils containing up to 20% of chemical additives in / 1990.

The main form of additives used in the formulation to achieve the design. Ladsous oil modern engines can be summed up as follows:

1-viscosity improvers guide: 1- Viscosity index improrers:

Multi-grade oils, as defined by SAE J 300 for the classification of viscosity and preparation of blended oils, mineral oils and industrial basis and the basis for the lubrication of all distances with a narrow stretch in the engine.

Industrial base oils are known Bmhassanat viscosity guide, these additions dissolve it.

These additions increase the viscosity properly at high temperatures than at low temperatures. It typically uses models such as polyolefins joint polymerization.

Poly dead Krlat (PMAS) Poly methaerylates:

Stern co-polymer and isoprene Styren ISOPrene Copolymers:

There is a tendency now it aims to use these polymers to make the multi-purpose additives such as dispersants added to materials, improved Directory viscosity (PVC Poly methacrylate material) also is working “to reduce the point effusion

The main function of detergent additives is to keep the engine clean. “

It is also “a formula outputs acidic combustion and help prevent corrosion of ferrous metals in the engine. Chemically”: detergents are metal salts of acids, organic, and often “are minerals calcium or Magnesium, and sulfonamides or fens / phenol / or Salicylic.

This detergent is characterized In base after combined with a surplus of the metal hydroxide or metal carbon intent to increase the alkalinity to actively resistant to the acidity continue for long periods.

The work of detergents first “is the union with the solid waste resulting from combustion and prevent them from positioning within the engine.

The main function of the dispersed material is also “help to keep the engine clean.

” But a completely different way “for detergents. Chemically”:

Dispersed materials are useless ash materials (ash lees) of any metal and they form the most common materials.

The difference between the oils class API SF and SG Category API

Is the high proportion of materials dispersed ash-free and in the latter category

sealants for damage to the engine: 4 -Anti – wear agents:4 –

The most common use of “anti-material damage is (Zinc D ITHIAPHOSPHATES)

) Theo zinc phosphate) and expressed simply (zinc) (Zincs) / Acronym / “.

There are actually “Modern Icon oil, works on the principle of vibration on the metal surfaces and then react chemically” during the friction surfaces of metals, and activates the reaction by the heat generated by friction and thus produces metal compounds reduce stress and prevent damage to the engine friction.

This role is a Theo phosphate Islands and the zinc molecule in the same work, as is the active agent in preventing damage.

Detergents also help reduce damage by erosive equations acids formed in the basin engine lubrication.

Anti-oxidants: Anti – oxidants:5

Anti-oxidant important in motor oils Icon is the first “to prevent toughening base oils during service. This happens more and more important when the high temperature engine.

Theo phosphate zinc blocker good antioxidant considered in addition to that it also “mind factor for damage, this dual task of zinc actually make” an important compound in the oil preparation process

There are plenty of other chemicals available as a contraceptive-oxidant such as phenols and amines.

For example (phenols and amines) and, in particular, including Salicylic (Salicylic)

Corrosion inhibitors are necessary in order to prevent the formation of rust rail vehicles in parts of the engine coolant.

Often “What most face in practice problems are, for example, are related to:

LED tail, push rod, hydraulic winches, and oil pressure safety valves.

Detergents and a lot of chemical additives materials oils with qualitative characteristics Icon engines are substances that have efficacy in the field of tuning steel-ferrous metals process.

What drives the use of GM material in the friction ICON motor oils is a first lose fuel consumption are now also required to improve the carrying capacity of the engine.

Orientation to decrease fuel consumption grows mainly through CAF & Eacute laws; US.

Specifically the first to lose friction updated by using oil in the engine is due to the viscosity of the oil, and thus the amended articles of friction to other positive effects.

Icon high-quality oil, engine oils based on metal components used for general purposes. This oil provides an ideal results in the areas of use that dominated temperatures.

provides perfect protection against corrosion.
extends the life of the equipment.
characterized by high degree of separation from the water.
excellent resistance against foam.
Mono lubricant category.

Storage possibility in the extreme temperatures 66 ° C

Density 0.89

Ignition point of 204 ° C:

Freezing point 18 ° C

Viscosity 100 C °, Cst> 4.1

High-quality oil-based metal components used for general purposes. This oil provides an ideal results in the areas of use that dominated temperatures and the burden of average use. Oil provides an ideal, especially in air pressure devices (Alcomerissour), and saws used in hydraulic systems (payment hydraulic pumps devices).

provides perfect protection against corrosion.
extends the life of the equipment.
characterized by high degree of separation from the water.
excellent resistance against foam.
Instructions for Use

Mono lubricant category.

Storage possibility in the extreme temperatures 66 ° C

Density 0.89

Ignition point> 204 ° C

Freezing point -18 ° C

Viscosity 100 C °, Cst 9.3 – 12.5

Oil represents one of the degree of multi-purpose and high-quality, on the basis of paraffin, used for diesel engines. It has a high resistance in arduous operating conditions thanks to its composition developed high-quality mineral oils.

prevents oxidation and corrosion and rust.
It is produced using a foam inhibitors are, detergents and additives distribution, and does not produce foam.


it should not be exposed to daylight for a long time before use.
should be protected against atmospheric humidity and water
MIL-L-2104 D, 46152

CCMC D-4, CRC L-38, CAT 1-H2

SınıfıCD / SF API

Storage possibility in the extreme temperatures 66 ° C

Density 0889

Ignition point: 204 ° C

Foam 0/0 ml

Viscosity 100 C °, Cst 12.5 – 16.3.

Oil represents one of the degree of multi-purpose and high-quality, on the basis of paraffin, used for diesel engines. It has a high resistance in arduous operating conditions thanks to its composition developed high-quality mineral oils.

prevents oxidation and corrosion and rust.
It is produced using a foam inhibitors are, detergents and additives distribution, and does not produce foam.
it should not be exposed to daylight for a long time before use.
it should be protected against atmospheric humidity and water.
MIL-L-2104 D, 46152

CCMC D-4, CRC L-38, CAT 1-H2

SınıfıCD / SF API

Storage possibility in the extreme temperatures 66 ° C

Density 0.89

Ignition point> 204 ° C

Foam 0/0 ml

Viscosity 100 C °, Cst 16.4 – 21.4

SAE 15W-40

Diesel engine oil performance is produced on an industrial mixture composed of the finest essential oils and the highest quality of the system of modern additions in order to meet the requirements related to the maintenance of diesel engines and turbo.

Prevents deposits on cylinders and pistons are in the engine at high temperatures
prevents oil density induced oxidative stress
It provides continuity in services on diesel engines thanks to its foam control system
minimizes the friction through the finest additions used in the composition of own manufactured combination
not recommended for use of other additives
API CI-4 / CH-4 / CG-4 / CF-4 / CF




CUMMINS 20078/20077/20076

CUMMINS 20072/20071


ACEA E5-02 / B3-98 ISSUE



MB 228,3

MAN M3275


° C flow point 27-

Ignition point C ° 216

Total baseband number (TBN) mg potassium hydroxide (makOH / gr)

Density C, G / cm3 0,889 ° 15

Viscosity C, Cst 14,4 ° 100

Change viscosity 139 resistance

SAE 20W -50

Has the industry of high-quality essential oils to be used in diesel engines that operate in extreme conditions, and it can be used as oil High-quality engines is used throughout the year thanks to the improved composition

° C flow point 39.

Ignition C ° 214 points

Total baseband number (TBN) mg potassium hydroxide (mgLOH / gr 7,8)

Density c, g / cm3 0,856 ° 15

Viscosity c, cst 19,6 ° 100

Change viscosity 164 resistance

The result, advice and Conclusion:

  1. Result: When your car is that it be a new advised to use mineral oil in the first 5,000 km after the maintenance of 1,000 kilometers
  2. advice: When you run your car, please wait … at least one minute and extend the life of the engine in order to save the owner would advise using mineral oils engines Icon because we do not have biting cold and low temperatures below ten degrees Celsius




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